
The Oklahoma C-PACE Program

The Oklahoma C-PACE Program is an economic development tool that is being offered by INCOG at no cost to Oklahoma’s counties. The Oklahoma C-PACE Program includes the full suite of documents necessary to establish a C-PACE program: an authorizing resolution, contractual agreements between the county and program administrator, contractual agreements between the county and C-PACE capital provider, and an assessment contract to levy the C-PACE assessment on a benefitting property.

Opting into the Oklahoma C-PACE Program provides access to these documents and full administrative services offered by INCOG.

INCOG’s Role

Partnering with Tulsa County, Oklahoma Department of Commerce, and Oklahoma Office of the Secretary of Energy & Environment, INCOG has stepped forward to administer the Oklahoma C-PACE Program, available at no cost to any county in Oklahoma.

INCOG invested significant time and resources into developing the Oklahoma C-PACE Program, inclusive of amending the state’s C-PACE law, developing a suite of program contracts and template forms, and developing a Guidance Manual of program guidelines that was informed by stakeholder input from across the state. INCOG is more familiar with C-PACE administration than any other entity in the state and intimately familiar with Oklahoma’s C-PACE law. INCOG developed to Oklahoma C-PACE Program and its supporting documents in coordination with organizations including the Oklahoma Bankers’ Association, the Oklahoma Treasurers’ Association, local counsel, PACE Financial Servicing (a C-PACE program design consultant), and the C-PACE Alliance (a group of national C-PACE capital providers).