C-PACE is Smart Clean Financing
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing is a form of long term, low-interest rate financing with no upfront costs for building owners who want to modernize building energy infrastructure, lower energy costs, and increase building comfort and asset value. C-PACE financing drives private sector investment in local communities, improves commercial property values, reduces energy and water expenses, creates jobs, and provides environmental benefits by conserving natural resources.
About Us
Our Purpose
The Oklahoma C-PACE Program provides a blueprint for Oklahoma’s counties to establish C-PACE in their jurisdiction in a uniform manner by utilizing standard enabling resolutions, form contracts, applications, and Program Guidelines. Property owners, contractors, capital providers, and other service providers benefit from a single point of contact for C-PACE financing throughout the state. Oklahomans enjoy the benefits of increased property value, more efficient buildings, cleaner environments, and cutting-edge commercial spaces.
What Can C-PACE Do For You?
C-PACE is a reliable source of affordable financing for property owners to make money-saving and energy-saving improvements to their buildings.
For Local Governments
C-PACE drives private sector investment in your county, spurs economic development, creates energy efficiencies and energy jobs, and improves commercial property values, all without the need for public funding.
What People Say
Marshall County being the smallest county in the state, we do not have the resources to offer a lot of economic development incentives. Opting into the program lets businesses know that our county is interested in clean green growth. The Oklahoma C-PACE Program lets us compete with some of the surrounding larger counties with no cost to the county. Oklahoma C-PACE is a driver for the major developments around Lake Texoma and the Board of County Commissioners for Marshall County is proud to support this program and what it brings to our county.
Commissioner Chris Duroy, Marshall County
The C-PACE program is a great economic development tool that doesn’t increase county government cost to the taxpayers. It encourages energy efficiency in new and remodel construction of commercial buildings. The Board of County Commissioners is proud to offer Oklahoma C-PACE to our residents and show that Cleveland County is forward thinking and ready for business.
Commissioner Rod Cleveland, Cleveland County
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Whether you are a building owner who wishes to access C-PACE financing, a government official who wants to offer C-PACE in your county, or a service provider who hopes to engage with the program, we are here for you. Please contact us for more information about C-PACE in Oklahoma.